Guidelines for observation of ocean sound

Lincosim Training: LINCOLN project
Dive into the Underwater SOunds Community!

Last 13th of July Ivan Felis Enguix from Marine Technology Centre (CTN) participated in the Workshop called Guidelines for observation of ocean sound organised by the International Quiet Ocean Experiment (IQOE) in The Hague.

The IQOE is an international scientific program to promote research, observations, and modelling to improve understanding of ocean soundscapes and effects of sound on marine organisms. IQOE Guidelines for observation of ocean sound can provide a first step towards international harmonization and standardization

IQOE working group on standardization will recommend best practices for experiments, observation, reporting, and other means to ensure that results are comparable and can be integrated to standardize data across large spatial and long time scales.

This working group held good discussions and defined a number of fields to work on together.